Category Archives: Reviews

Great Review for Juicy

A very positive review. Juicy have a an excellent reputation for service, and the consenus seems to be that their bikes are very good value. No wonder they thwart my current choice between Giant and Batribike”


The SHORT short list (1): Juicy

Since local dealer availability is so important, the bikes I shall probably concentrate on are Juicy, Giant, Wisper, Batribike and Claude Butler. That’s not exhaustive: for instance I would add Freego to that list if I can find out the tolerance of the specified maximum load on the Hawk.

There are some very attractive bikes out there (including a few I will describe separately such as the BH-Emotion range). so I don’t rule out going to an internet dealer. In the coming months I shall relax a bit, and update with reviews and news. To start the process, here is an extremely positive and detailed review of the Juicy Sport from an experienced cyclist.

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Useful brief reviews and more

I cae across this American site, Electric Star,  which has some succinct 2012 appraisals of various bikes available in the UK> It also has some other good pithy advice. There is an interesting observation on the Home page:


Buyer beware: there is a lot of “garbage” in this marketplace, as well as a lot of poor information. This is a young and emerging technology which has undergone big growing pains. Many of the products in the past were not ready for prime time. And some of the big box stores carry cheap products of inferior quality that are, in a word, junk. The best of these may serve the purpose of introduction. Unfortunately, most of the cheap electric bikes do not perform properly, break down frequently, and have poor manufacturer’s support. There are also a lot of inflated claims for range, power, and speed, so it is difficult – if not impossible – to understand this industry by surfing the internet. Power ratings of bikes are suspect because it depends on the configuration and design of the motor. Plus, many manufacturer’s think that just because it is electric, it doesn’t need to have decent bicycle components or ride well as a standard bicycle. This is likely the reason why many conventional bicycle shops have a bias against electric bikes.

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Cycling Made Easy

A friendly guide from a retailer, with satisfied customer reviews. Cycling mMade Easy sell a good range of bikes with full warranties. Many of the bikes are discussed or will be on this site, including FreeGo, Tonaro  and Kudos. As the firm seem so solid and reliable I shall definitely be looking at their whole range.

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Tonaro Eagle – positive review

Came across a review by a heavy, tall guy named Phil on the brilliant pedelecs forum . He speaks very highly of the bike,  and considering I had never heard of Tonaro and the company Powerpedals until last night, I am mightily impressed. The review also praises the business ethic and support from Powerpedals and recommended dealers.

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